Coronavirus (COVID-19)

An Important Message to Our Patients
How to prepare for your next appointment.

We are very excited to announce that our practice will be opening as of May 20th for a wider spectrum of dental care. We understand that we as a community are still facing uncertainty due to COVID-19. While we are all still practicing social distancing guidelines, we feel confident that Vernon Family Dentist can provide you with safe comprehensive dental care at this time.


We have reviewed what we have always done when it comes to sterilization and infection control. We have implemented additional steps to make sure that every patient can be assured a safe dental experience. Our protocol is aligned with the recommendations from the CDC and American Dental Association.


These are the steps we have always taken for your safety:

  • We always wear single use masks and gloves while delivering treatment.
  • After use, all instruments are sterilized to destroy any potentially infectious matter.
  • Much of the equipment we use is single use and gets disposed of immediately after your appointment.
  • Treatment Rooms are wiped down with a medical grade disinfectant to destroy all forms of infectious diseases between patients.
  • We either wash our hands thoroughly with soap and water or apply an alcohol based wash between patients.
  • Alcohol wash stations have always been installed around the office, feel free to use them also.


In addition, we have implemented these new procedures to further ensure your safety:

  • Common areas (including waiting room furniture, door handles, restroom doors, and front desk area) are also being disinfected throughout the day with the same medical grade disinfectant we use in the Treatment Rooms.
  • We will be altering our schedules so not all appointments start at the same time in order to help with social distancing in our office. Appointment times will be longer to allow us to perform an even more thorough cleaning of the treatment rooms. This may mean less appointment slots available per day and some current appointments having to be rescheduled further out.
  • We are implementing special appointment times for our most vulnerable patients.
  • Team members and patients will have their temperatures taken upon arrival in the office. If someone has a temperature above 100.4, they will be asked to go home.
  • There will be an increased use in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) you may not have noticed doctors or hygienists wearing before (different masks, face shields, safety glasses, gowns, caps). Team members in non clinical areas will also be wearing some forms of PPE.
  • We will ask you to wear your mask when you arrive to your appointment.
  • Please do not bring other family members to your appointment and do not to show up more than 5 minutes early. This will allow us to help maintain social distancing.


In the coming days and weeks our team will reaching out to patients. We will be rescheduling patients who had their appointments cancelled due to the shut down. Patients who are currently scheduled in the up-coming months will also receive confirmation phone calls.  Please note our new scheduling options are designed to address individual oral healthcare needs, maintain a safe and sterile environment and comply with safe social distancing.


As always, will place the health and well-being of our team and our patients first. We will continue to reach out and update you on a regular basis through email, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call us, we can’t wait to hear from you!


We look forward to seeing you all again and catching up with you at your next appointment.


Stay Healthy,


Dr. Michael Shlafstein

Dr. Gregory Russo


Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram @Vernon Family Dentists